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Occupational Health and Safety Policy

Occupational health and safety is of paramount importance to Fields Group. The Group values its people and their wellbeing and is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all staff, contractors, customers and visitors.

Fields Group strives to have injury-free workplaces and works to ensure legal compliance with all occupational health and safety requirements.

What does the Fields Group do to meet its commitment to occupational health and safety? Fields Group believes a proactive approach to OH&S is critical.

To meet our commitment, Fields Group will take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure the health and safety of persons by the development, implementation and enforcement of policies and procedures that provide for the following:

  • Identification of any hazards and associated risks in the workplace and prompt implementation of risk control strategies.
  • Adequate training, instruction and supervision of all staff and contractors as necessary for them to perform their role safely.
  • Encouragement of active participation in raising and resolving OH&S issues.
  • Promotion of an active rehabilitation and return to work program with the aim of the employee making a full return to pre-injury duties wherever possible.
  • Everyone is responsible for health and safety

Board and Executive - Are responsible for ensuring there is a strategy in place to effectively manage OH&S across the Group. Together they ensure adequate resources and governance are applied to achieve the health and safety standards and practices required for risk management and compliance and legal obligations.

Managers - Are responsible for assisting in the development, implementation and enforcement of the Group's OH&S policies and procedures. They are responsible for caring for the welfare of their staff and for identifying, assessing and controlling any risks in the workplace for which they are responsible.

Employees - Are responsible for complying with the Group's OH&S policies and procedures and must notify their managers of any OH&S concerns so they can be promptly addressed.

Everyone - Including Fields Group staff, contractors, visitors and members of the public are responsible for ensuring their own health and safety while in any of the Group's workplaces and for taking care to ensure the health and safety of other persons.